As I have spent more years living I have come to realise that your mood definitely affects the outcome of your life. When you think in a 'doom and gloom' kind of way you get more of the things in your life to perpetuate these feelings.
But...when you think 'happy thoughts', which generate happy feelings, more opportunities for happiness come your way. You may read this and think 'well that's alright for you to say, that but does it really work like that?'
If you knew that your thoughts and subsequent feelings were like definite orders to your subconscious mind, that attract more of the same kind of thoughts and feelings, surely you would want to attract more great happy feelings! The more you did this the better you would start to feel each day.
I thought I was a positive person but 14 years ago when I started to take notice of more people telling me about the law of attraction, I had a big wake up call. I realised that it was how I felt that counted towards my feelings being negative or positive, good or bad.
I stopped trying to get through to people that didn't want to listen. I finally woke up and realised that even living right beside a persistently negative person, I could make a decision to change my own feelings. It's my life after all and we all have the choice to make changes for the better or not!
Try looking up Law of Attraction on Google or any search engine and you will find a wealth of information to help you understand this concept, if it is new to you. If you are already aware of it, look it up anyway as there are so many resources freely available to give us new knowledge and understanding.
It doesn't matter how old you are, if you opened your eyes this morning and you can think for yourself its never too late to learn something new.
